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Continental 20448570

Continental Super Sani-Wash™ 300 20448570 EPDM Food and Beverage Hose, 3/4 in, 300 psi

  1. pin-int

Continental Super Sani-Wash™ 300 Food and Beverage Hose, Nominal Size: 3/4 in, 1.17 in OD, 3/4 in ID, 300 psi, Material Construction: EPDM, EPDM Cover, Construction: Spiral Textile Reinforced, -40 deg F Low, 200 deg F High

Attribute Type Configurator      :      Parent
Construction      :      Spiral Textile Reinforced
Cover Material      :      EPDM
Industry Category      :      Marine Washdown Hoses
Inside Diameter      :      3/4 in
Material      :      EPDM
Material Construction      :      EPDM
Nominal Size      :      3/4 in
Outside Diameter      :      1.17 in
Pressure Rating      :      300 psi
Product Type      :      Food and Beverage Hose
Temperature High      :      200 deg F
Temperature Low      :      -40 deg F

Applications: For hot water wash-down and cleanup, up to 200 deg F, use this hose in food processing plants, dairies, packing houses, bottling plants, breweries, canneries and creameries

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